An Image Consultant or A Fashion Stylist – Let’s See The Difference

There is a misconception about comprehending the difference between the job of an Image consultant and a Fashion stylist. 


An Image consultant and A Fashion stylist both work upon you and your personality!


Let’s say if you want to create an image for a particular event, an occasion, a fashion show, a shoot, then a fashion stylist can cater to your needs.


But if you want to enhance your overall personality, in this case, an Image Consultant can prove to be the best for you. 


  • What if you visit a shopping mall and you are unable to choose an appropriate outfit?
  • What if you want to acquaint yourself with the latest trends?


Then, a fashion stylist or an image consultant both are suitable for you. A fashion stylist is someone who has everything to do what is in fashion! Whereas an Image consultant has a more comprehensive approach. They are concerned about you as a person.



  • If you want to polish your wardrobe!
  • If you want to make some real change happen in you!
  • If you want to develop your communication skills!
  • If you want to bring the best in you!
  • If you are willing to enhance your personality!
  • If you want to brush up your confidence!


Turning your head towards an Image consultant is the right choice.


Let’s have a glance at the work done by both and their ways of doing it...

An Image Consultant or A Fashion Stylish

Fashion Stylist


The fashion stylist’s focus is on the clothes you wear. He/She guides you about the latest trends and the up-to-date fashions. They often work with artists, actors, fashion designers, to create the desired image. Perhaps they have gone through formal training for style or they may have an innate sense of trends. They keep themselves updated with the upcoming fashions and tend to become trendsetters!


Image Consultant


An image consultant deals with your ABC


A - appearance,

B - behavior, 

C - communication (verbal as well as non-verbal)


Image consultants are the experts who do their innovations on you, to bring out the real YOU. They put in a lot of effort to improve your personality. An image consultant is not only technically expert in refining your way of dressing, but his expertise extends far beyond it. They are also trained in comportment and etiquette.


Few of their working areas include:


  • Your dressing style,
  • Your accessories,
  • Your closet patterns,
  • Your gestures,
  • Your body language,
  • Your communication skills, and more.


They have a holistic approach and provide lifetime solutions based on your lifestyle, personality, body type, and personal color.  In the long run, their center of attention is the all-round development, not just clothing and style. They give you the know-how of power dressing. The importance of this niche is being very well recognized now and people are taking it up as a profession by doing an Image Consultant Course. 


An image consultant is someone who takes watch off your wrist and tells you the time.


He / She has the armor that makes you survive the reality of everyday life.


To recapitulate, they help you to translate your dreams & innermost passions into reality and achieve your professional and personal goals. They help you become the Best of yourself.


They both are like railway tracks, move parallel but never meet!


Create an Image to Create an Influence. Reach us to know more. Also, you can join our live Self-Transformation 2. O Masterclass.

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