Learning Beyond A Classroom

Learning is not constrained between the four walls of a classroom. Have you ever noticed? We acquire a lot from our surroundings, environment, peers, and most of all, experiences.


“Hard skills may fetch you an occupation and Soft skills can make or break you as a manager.”


The hard skills which we gain from our academic qualifications, add a bullet to our CV. But, is that enough to crack an interview and grab a job? Market demands soft skills!


And most schools don’t pay emphasis on improvising your soft skills. 

The one who has entered the corporate world understands the worth of learning beyond a classroom. Learning the theories, theorems, syllabus, logics, and concepts is mandatory to gain degrees, whereas, here follows a list of the most valued skills you need to excel in your career.




Creativity is not something to learn; rather we need to work and practice more and more to bring out our creativity. It is thinking out of the box.


Many of you must be having thought that I am not creative at all. But the fact is each and everyone is creative! The task is to pull it out from within you.


Do what inspires and energizes you; feel free to explore your likes to bring out your creativity.




EI is more or less moving into other people’s shoes and feeling their emotions. It is dealing with them and maintaining healthy interpersonal relationships. Being generous to everyone and communicating effectively.


Having high emotional intelligence is being more capable to deal with people and their problems.


An employer keenly seeks an employee with optimum Emotional Intelligence.




To polish your personality and get prepared for future traits, you need to empower yourself with the risk-taking factor. To gain success and reach heights one got to take risks. While studying in schools and colleges you get a lot of chances to rectify your errors, but once you enter your workplace rectification is replaced by risks.


Risks are parts of life, instead of being depressed, take it as an opportunity to learn and gain experience.

Learning Beyond A Classroom



Having the quality to lead the crowd is magnificent. You ought to be trustworthy and organized. If people don’t believe you how will they follow you? Not working strategically can also lead you out of track which forcefully stagnant your performance and results in demotion.


A good leader imbibes with empathy, responsibility, keen observance of non-verbal communication to know the strengths and weaknesses of his team members.




After stepping out of college life, managing time and money seem to be a challenging task.

Time management is actually not about managing time; it is about managing ourselves. Our behavior to delay, piles up the workload, and fritters away the time.


That is why we need to manage our time as per our activities to stay contented.


In the same way, money management is also overlooked by many of us.


Once you step into the financial world you learn the vitality of money management. Handling the day-to-day expenses and dealing with the assets and liabilities within a limited time gain weightage. There is a famous saying:


“It’s not about having lot of money. It’s about knowing how to manage it”




Are you left out wobbled and baffled while facing a crowd? If yes, then it’s nothing new. Confidence comes from practice and exposure. Communication and public speaking is a skill which can be improvised at any stage of life. The first and foremost requisite is dedication towards learning. Recording your conversation and re-listening it, is one of the ways to work upon modifying.


In my opinion, people often believe in listening to respond not to comprehend. One should focus on listening along with body language to gain what the speaker wants to convey. Then your responses will gain more strength while communicating.


Listening to and observing others’ non-verbal communication also adds to effective public speaking skills.


Create an Image to Create an Influence. Reach us to know more. Also, you can join our live Self-Transformation 2. O Masterclass.

3 thoughts on “Learning Beyond A Classroom

  1. I understand your point of taking risks in your life and career. But doesn’t a person need a solid foundation for that? Many of us want to switch our jobs, look for better opportunities but the fear of losing our old ones make us feel trapped. How to balance risk taking with practical considerations?

  2. Ma’am, in your blog, you have said that we can’t learn these soft skills in a school. Where can we learn these skills?

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